Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has roiled the oil market, with crude spiking briefly to over $100/barrel before returning to the mid-$90s, leading to higher prices at the pump, says AAA Northeast. Today, the national average price of $3.61 for a gallon of self-serve regular is about 8 cents higher than last week, 25 cents…
Month: February 2022
Despite Fewer Drivers During COVID, National Roadway Fatalities Spiked – But Why?
As Covid spread in 2020, fewer drivers hit the road, but traffic fatalities spiked. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 38,680 fatalities in 2020 – the most since 2007 – and preliminary numbers for 2021 indicate another increase. To understand this trend, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety examined which drivers changed their…
With Fewer Drivers on the Road During COVID, Why the Spike in Fatalities?
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the country, it led to fewer drivers on the roads and a significant reduction in the number of miles driven. And yet, U.S. government data shows traffic fatalities have surged, along with an increase in crashes involving impairment, speeding, red-light running, aggressiveness, and non-seatbelt use, to its highest level…
With Fewer Drivers on the Road During COVID, Why the Spike in Fatalities?
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the country, it led to fewer drivers on the roads and a significant reduction in the number of miles driven. And yet, U.S. government data shows traffic fatalities have surged, along with an increase in crashes involving impairment, speeding, red-light running, aggressiveness, and non-seatbelt use, to its highest level…
With Fewer Drivers on the Road During COVID, Why the Spike in Fatalities?
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the country, it led to fewer drivers on the roads and a significant reduction in the number of miles driven. And yet, U.S. government data shows traffic fatalities have surged, along with an increase in crashes involving impairment, speeding, red-light running, aggressiveness, and non-seatbelt use, to its highest level…
AAA: Massachusetts Gas Prices Up Eight Cents
Westwood, MA, February 28, 2022 — Massachusetts’s average gas price is up 8 cents from last week ($3.54), averaging $3.62 per gallon. Today’s price is 24 cents higher than a month ago ($3.38), and 98 cents higher than February 28, 2021 ($2.64). Massachusetts’s average gas price 1 cent higher than the national average. Russia’s…
AAA: Rhode Island Gas Prices Up Five Cents
Providence, R.I., February 28, 2022 — Rhode Island’s average gas price is up 5 cents from last week ($3.54), averaging $3.59 per gallon. Today’s price is 23 cents higher than a month ago ($3.36), and 96 cents higher than February 28, 2021 ($2.63). Rhode Island’s average gas price is 2 cents lower than the national…
AAA: New York Gas Prices Up Six Cents
Utica, NY, February 21, 2022 — New York’s average gas price is up 6 cents from last week ($3.68), averaging $3.74 per gallon. Today’s price is 25 cents higher than a month ago ($3.49), and $1.05 higher than February 21, 2021 ($2.69). New York’s average gas price 21 cents higher than the national average. …
AAA: New Jersey Average Gas Price Up Two Cents
Wayne, N.J., February 21, 2022 — New Jersey’s average gas price is up another two cents from last week, averaging $3.61 per gallon ($3.59). Today’s price is 23 cents higher than a month ago ($3.38), and 85 cents higher than February 21, 2021 ($2.76). New Jersey’s average gas price is eight cents higher than the…
AAA: Massachusetts Gas Prices Up Five Cents
Westwood, MA, February 21, 2022 — Massachusetts’s average gas price is up 5 cents from last week ($3.49), averaging $3.54 per gallon. Today’s price is 18 cents higher than a month ago ($3.36), and 98 cents higher than February 21, 2021 ($2.56). Massachusetts’s average gas price 1 cent higher than the national average. “Continuing…