American drivers continue to maintain a “Do-As-I-Say, Not-As-I-Do” attitude on the nation’s roadways. Worse, they fail to change their bad driving behavior even when their actions result in crashes, says AAA. In the latest AAA Traffic Safety Culture Index, the AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety reports drivers, who’ve been in at least one crash…
Category: All States
Bad Behavior: Drivers Know It’s Wrong, But Many Choose To Do It Anyway
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s latest research finds drivers who have been in at least one crash in the past two years are significantly more likely to engage in risky behaviors like speeding or texting, even when they think the police may catch them. After three months of staying at home, AAA urges drivers…
Bad Behavior: Drivers Know It’s Wrong, But Many Choose To Do It Anyway
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s latest research finds drivers who have been in at least one crash in the past two years are significantly more likely to engage in risky behaviors like speeding or texting, even when they think the police may catch them. After three months of staying at home, AAA urges drivers…
CT Gas Prices Break $2 Mark; Prices Still Lower Than Last Year
For 53 days, Connecticut average prices for a gallon of self-serve regular hovered below $2, dropping as low as $1.91, says AAA Northeast. Over this past weekend, however, the Connecticut average broke the $2 mark and today, the state’s average is $2.01, a nickel higher than last week, but 89 cents lower than this…
As the travel industry prepares to reopen, travelers want to know what restrictions are in place and how they can ensure safe travels. Through recent traveler sentiment studies, 68% of AAA Northeast members say American road trips and a rediscovery of domestic destinations will be their first foray back into travel, beginning this summer….
Gasoline prices in Massachusetts are up six cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s June 8 survey of prices in Massachusetts finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $2.01 per gallon. Massachusetts’s price is two cents below the national average of $2.03. A year ago at this time, the average price in Massachusetts was 70…
Gasoline prices in Rhode Island are up two cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s June 8 survey of prices in Rhode Island finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $2.00 per gallon. Rhode Island’s price is three cents lower than the national price of $2.03. A year ago at this time, the average price…
CT Gas Prices Stall at $1.96; As National Price Rises
Although the national gas price average continues to slowly increase, Connecticut’s average price remains the same as last week. Today’s Connecticut average is $1.96. The price, however, is 4 cents higher compared to last month; and $1 cheaper than this time last year. On the national level, today’s average price of $1.98 is…
June: ‘Deadliest’ Month for CT Teen Drivers
Buckle your seat belts: the 100 “Deadliest Days” has begun! It’s the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when motorists are more likely to be injured or killed in crashes involving teen drivers. Nationwide, more than 8,300 people died in teen-related summertime crashes between 2008 and 2018, equivalent to more than seven…
A Perfect Storm? COVID-19 Restrictions Ease As “100 Deadliest Days” Begin for Nation’s Teens
Nationwide, more than 8,300 people died in crashes involving teen drivers from 2008 to 2018 during the “100 Deadliest Days,” the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That’s more than seven people a day each summer. The combination of schools closed, activities curtailed, summer jobs canceled, and COVID-19 restrictions being lifted, could prove deadly…