Gasoline prices in Massachusetts are down five cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s April 13 survey of prices in Massachusetts finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $1.94 per gallon. Massachusetts’s price is eight cents above the national average of $1.86. A year ago at this time, the average price in Massachusetts was 67…
Press Releases
Pump Prices Plummet; Demand Tumbles To 30-Year Low
As nationwide demand for gasoline nosedives to its lowest level since 1993, prices at the pump continue to plummet, says AAA Northeast. Today’s national average of $1.93 and Connecticut’s statewide average of $2.08 for a gallon of self-serve, regular both are 8 cents lower than this time last week. Compared to last year, the…
Gasoline prices in Rhode Island are down nine cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s April 6 survey of prices in Rhode Island finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $2.08 per gallon. Rhode Island’s price is sixteen cents higher than the national average of $1.92. A year ago at this time, the average price…
Gasoline prices in Massachusetts are down six cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s April 6 survey of prices in Massachusetts finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $1.99 per gallon. Massachusetts’s price is seven cents above the national average of $1.92. A year ago at this time, the average price in Massachusetts was 56…
Nat’l Gas Average: Pennies Away from $1.99 Can Connecticut Be Far Behind?
The last time Connecticut drivers saw today’s statewide gas price average of $2.16 and a nationwide average of $2.01 was in the spring of 2016, says AAA Northeast. Today’s Connecticut average price for a gallon of self-serve, regular is now 13 cents lower than this time last week; 39 cents lower than this time…
Gasoline prices in Rhode Island are down nine cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s March 30 survey of prices in Rhode Island finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $2.17 per gallon. Rhode Island’s price is sixteen cents higher than the national average of $2.01. A year ago at this time, the average price…
Gasoline prices in Massachusetts are down eleven cents this week, according to AAA Northeast. AAA Northeast’s March 30 survey of prices in Massachusetts finds self-serve, regular unleaded averaging $2.05 per gallon. Massachusetts’s price is four cents above the national average of $2.01. A year ago at this time, the average price in Massachusetts was 48…
Even Your Vehicle Needs A ‘Workout’ During Extended Off-Road Periods
Just because you’re not putting miles on your car now as you routinely do, doesn’t mean you should ignore simple maintenance during a time when many of us are working from home, says AAA Northeast. Like most of us nowadays, your car probably isn’t moving as much; and depending upon how long your vehicle…
Working From Home? Don’t Forget About Your Car!
Many people are working from home these days, and it’s a new situation for a lot of folks. While you’re not adding the wear and tear of a daily commute or paying as much for gas, you can’t completely forget about your car while it sits in your driveway. Depending on how long your car…
CT Gas Prices Drop 13 Cents in Week
Declining crude oil prices continue to drive average gas prices lower this week, says AAA Northeast. In Connecticut today, the statewide average of $2.29 is 13 cents cheaper compared to last week and 39 cents cheaper compared to last year. A similar scenario is playing out on the national level: today’s national average price…